Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's Been A While

Huhuhu.. it's been too long since da last time i've post.. well not much to say, just a few pics to show's a little chaotic or mix up.. but i really like the way those picture had been taken.. it's like there is story behind it and its' up to you to translate it.. so just njoy it, it really nice..n funny too.. till then, BFN.
This is why men owez die first than women
Cute hah.. the image really didn't shaken.. Fujifilm Commercial
Not a good child :..(
Spiderman also need a toilet what!!!!
huh... i think u have a problem with ur eyes.. :D
So.. this is the true john paul.. XD
the older u get..the more hormones u will got
is bush really give his sympathy.... or, is he just really hungry....!!!! (the pic taken a day after 11/9 tragedy)
look closely!!!!...
there... is it clear!!! if i has a friend like this...i think i'm gonna become a ghost and hunt them..:)

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